Tub Chair

Manufactured by Race Furniture Ltd

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Product Description

The Tub Chair… Comfort, style, and flexibility all in one amazing seat

The Race Furniture Tub Chair was created in response to the need for a theatre seat that also doubled as a dining seat – with comfort, style and flexibility being paramount.

The Tub Chair allows you to create fluid, manoeuvrable spaces and can be provided with floor tethers to provide a semi-permanent fixing to enable multiple seating layout configurations. It can also be fully customised to suit the needs of each space… it looks fantastic in rich velvets.

Remember, these product models are for your reference only. We provide bespoke seating solutions, so while we use these models to form the basis of the seat, they are completely customised to suit your requirements and 100% unique to you. 

Manufacturer Profile

Race Furniture Ltd

Building & Construction / Materials

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