Case Study: BELL Lighting Highbay Installation - The Change Foundation Cricket Centre

The Change Foundation is an award-winning charity that uses sport to change the lives of marginalised young people. They deliver targeted long-term interventions for the most vulnerable young people through Coach Mentors with lived experience, providing regular sport, personalised mentoring and work-related opportunities.

A detailed lighting design scheme was compiled by the Power Plus Group Lighting Design Team, and BELL 150W Illumina Slim High Bay’s with the UGR Honeycomb lens was selected to be the perfect luminaire for the upgrade.

The 36 original fittings were replaced with 18 x 150w BELL Lighting fittings. This reduced the rows of fittings to 2 which is a great advantage as there are only 2 lanes so the new fittings did not interfere with the netting installed between the lanes.

The real benefits were; less energy consumption, reduction in glare rating and an improvement in lux levels from 500lux to over 950lux. The combination of these factors means that the players can practice in safety with lighting that delivers high definition, high luminance, low glare and accurate colour rendering. 

Annual Savings: £9419 / CO2 1468kg / Maintenance £600 / Energy Saving 32%

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