Sunswap partners with QT to optimise the accessibility of their control panel

Sunswap's solar and battery powered transport refrigeration unit prides itself on high-end electronics and electrical engineering. To match the hardware and software behind its integrated solar array, battery management system and telematics, it of course needs a state-of-the-art HMI (Human Machine Interface), or control panel.

From the water-resistant screen to the interface design (how the menus and buttons are laid out), the control panel on a Sunswap Endurance is built to make a driver’s life easier, and help them protect the payload.

The surface itself is resilient to all weather: The HMI's touch-screen works with wet hands and with gloves, in sub-zero temperatures, high winds and heatwaves. In the face of all seasonal conditions, drivers will still be able to confidently proceed to check the load temperature or make any necessary changes.

Intuitive user experience:  Sunswap’s electronics and software team worked with QT, an international interface design firm based in Finland, to get the control panel’s GUI (graphical user interface) just right. Sunswap’s team gathered trial feedback from drivers to help QT create an intuitive layout and sitemap, so that end users can operate with clarity and certainty: For example, some drivers reported that multiple menus or interfaces made the process complicated.

Visibility in the dark and light: Having a back-lit touch screen alongside high-contrast colours means better usability in both darkness and the glare of direct sunlight, thus ensuring usability across the whole spectrum of light intensity.

The ability to update and amend the display: Wording and naming convention can be easily updated as technology, legislation and guidelines evolve. Another key element of this versatility is that the HMI’s language can be changed remotely. This doesn’t just allude to Endurance’s usage overseas in the not-too-distant-future, but the fact that not every UK-based driver’s first language will be English.

Find out more about Sunswap Ltd on their member profile page here

Member-created content 1 year ago | From members

Article Tags: solar, refrigeration

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