The Russell AMPro®Lab Sieve Station simplifies metal powder recovery

Yndetech uses digital technologies to design and manufacture a wide range of dental products and implants. The company serves over 2,000 dentists and dental technicians throughout Italy and Southern Europe.

To manufacture implants, Yndetech utilizes cobalt chromium and titanium powder, employing laser melting techniques. These metal powders enable the production of certified biocompatible dental products that offer high resistance to wear and corrosion, along with a smooth surface finish that inhibits bacterial growth.

At its Lecce facility, Yndetech operates three 3D metal printers dedicated to producing dental implants. However, the powder sieving machine at this site posed significant health and safety risks by exposing operators to cobalt chromium and titanium powders. This situation required extensive operator involvement and led to production downtime. Additionally, the manual sieving process was time-consuming, prompting Yndetech to seek an alternative solution.

To address these challenges, Yndetech installed the Russell AMPro®Lab Sieve Station at its. This machine efficiently sieved powders for the multiple 3D metal printers in operation, using a bottle-to-bottle system that prevents powder contact with operators.

Yndetech has also benefited from the reduced noise levels compared to its previous sieving machine. The small batch powder reclaim unit, equipped with the Russell Vibrasonic® Deblinding System, ensures quieter operation.

Impressed by the cleaner sieving process provided by the small batch powder reclaim unit, Yndetech plans to invest in a second machine for another production site.

Moreover, Yndetech continues to rely on the ongoing support from the Russell Finex team, a service that has been crucial given the importance of laser melting in Yndetech’s dental implant production.

"The machine is compact, silent, and allows us to sieve the powder in a very clean way, which dramatically improves the safety of our operators. Our experience with Russell Finex was excellent, both for the quality of the equipment and the technical support we received." - Francesco Grande, Chief Technology Officer

About Russell Finex

Founded in 1934, Russell Finex is a specialist global supplier of sieving and filtration equipment. With its head office in the U.K. and subsidiaries in Belgium, the U.S.A., India, Brazil, and China the company supplies to over 140 countries.To speak to an experienced sales engineer to improve your productivity, contact Russell Finex today.

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Member-created content 4 months ago | From members

Article Tags: industrial sieve

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