What are skids on stables? - National Timber Buildings

We typically build field shelters/stables on steel skids in order for the structure to become mobile if needed.  Skids are a type of moveable frame structure on which your field shelter can be built. They are attached to the underside of the timber building and not only strengthen support for the whole timber structure, but also reduce surface friction between the shelter itself and the ground below – allowing it to be easily and safely moved around paddocks, fields and yards using a towing chain.

Unlike many other companies, we prioritise galvanised steel skids (with towing eyes fitted to all four corners) over pressure treated timber skids.  By ‘galvanised’ steel, we mean that the steel skids are covered with a zinc coating that is applied of the top of the steel to protect against rust. They could easily last in the region of 30-40 years. We also supply you with a tow strap and shackles.

While there are no set rules or requirements stating that you should move your shelter once it is in place, or indeed, how often you should move it, there are lots of benefits associated in doing so. Check out our blog on the benefits of moving a mobile field shelter which also includes some tips on how to do it relatively easily and safely.

Galvanised steel skids are well worth the investment for ease of moving and longevity of the building.

For more information on our portable field shelters and stables, please do not hesitate to get in touch.

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Member-created content 1 year ago | From members

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