9400 Cryostat
Manufactured by Bright Instrument Co Limited
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Product Description
The 9400 cryostat is the largest cryostat in our range, although its uses are similar for those mentioned for the 8250, the standard features for this machine are more comprehensive.
The use of cryostat microtomes to prepare frozen sections for microscopy is widely known, and the Bright Instrument Company has been specialising in this field for years, but for some applications these cryostats are simply not large enough or powerful enough. It is for these cases that the 8250 has been developed.
The most usual application is in whole body autoradiography (WBA) which is used to trace radio-labelled drugs or other compounds in the frozen bodies of test animals.
There are many other uses of this large cryostat including the fields of anatomy training and outside the biological field for use by material scientists to cut objects as diverse as electrical insulation, timber and plastic automobile chassis joints.