9 months ago
Buttonfix Limited

Buttonfix Limited
Building & Construction / Construction
020 8150 7190 info@button-fix.com http://www.button-fix.com
Unit A
1 Britton Street
United Kingdom
Joined Apr 2018

Button-fix is the hidden detail that holds everything together.
If you're passionate about detail, Button-fix fasteners are designed for you. They make panelling walls or ceilings, assembling furniture, and hanging many other interior fittings easy and reliable. Since our debut in 2012, Button-fix has constantly expanded this innovative range, catering to various applications from architectural interiors to maritime and other transport fittings.
The concept is simple: robust Buttons are attached to the background structure and the mating Fixes are attached to the removable panel. Push on the panel firmly until the Button-fixes ‘click’. Complementary accessories help make the Button-fix installation quick, easy and accurate.
When considering the whole life cycle of your installation, the demountable Button-fix system is an obvious choice. Panels can be removed in a matter of seconds, to gain access to pipework and services, for repair, recycling or updating to the latest design. Button-fix enables panels to be reused or repurposed, rather than destroyed during removal and disposed of in landfill.
Button-fix products are available through our network of distributors in the UK and overseas. Visit our website for details and links.
In 2020, Buttonfix Limited received a Queen’s Award for Enterprise in Innovation. Proudly UK-manufactured, our products embody sustainability and efficiency, marking us as leaders in panel fastening solutions.