Amp And Cab Covers

Manufactured by ROQSOLID Ltd

Product Buying Options

Minimum Order Quantity: 1

Additional Sales Information: Protect your amp or cab with one of our made to spec and order products. Over 8000 makes and models in the range.

Product Description

Please watch our video demo in the description section below for an in-depth explanation of our amp and cab cover products and optional extras.

At ROQSOLID we manufacture covers differently to other manufacturers. Where we can, we minimise the number of seams. This, together with our unique seam binding, makes our products ultra durable.

We use an an outer layer of non-stretch, woven polypropylene which is water- and tear-resistant and you have a choice of inner layers depending on the level of protection you require. We offer what we call DustGuard, AmpGuard, FoamGuard and partially reinforceable inners - yes you can even partially reinforce our covers for maximum protection. Reinforcement provides more protection than any thickness of padding as you would expect and depending on what reinforcement you use, is substantially lighter than a flight case.

Because we believe in offering as much flexibility as we can, we have the largest range of optional extras available from any manufacturer online.

All our covers come with handle holes as standard and are backed by our several ROQSOLID guarantees.

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