Internal Temperature Sensor with 4 Switch Control and LED Feedback

Manufactured by Tensor plc

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Product Description

The HeatingSave TH-ROOM2 room sensor replaces where your existing room thermostat was located. It continuously measures the temperature in your home and feeds this information to the HeatingSave controller.

You will need to have at least one temperature sensor for each heating zone.

The TH-ROOM2 room sensor has 4 programmable touch switches which allow you to “boost” the heating for a period or to tell HeatingSave that “I’m too hot” or “I’m too cold”. Then, HeatingSave will makes small adjustments to keep the household comfortable without wasting fuel and money.


Interior use
4 LEDs for visual feedback
4 Capacitive touch keys
Tamper detection
Analogue switches to select one of the switch resistances on Thermistor
Maximum cable run – 15 meters

Manufacturer Profile

Tensor plc

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