Luma³ - Premium Oak
Manufactured by Mind Body Goals Ltd
Product Buying Options
Product Description
✓ Learn and master four science based breathing techniques
- Box breath mode
- Triangle breath mode
- 478 breath mode
- Coherent breath mode
✓ Form a healthy habit of taking regular short breaks
- Hourglass mode sits with you while you work and nudges you once an hour to check-in and breathe
✓ Screen-free time away from your devices and pressures
- No screens, accounts, logins or tracking
- Just simple, beautiful pulses and waves of colour and light to guide you
✓ Improve the quality of your sleep with a relaxing ritual
- Bedtime mode leads you through an extended breathing exercise
- A slow colour fade gently eases you to sleep
✓ Practice the powerful art of mindfulness
- Lightsand mode gives you a tactile focus for your attention
- As you tip and sway Luma³ the light flows around inside
✓ Support young people's mental health and wellbeing
- For every 10 sold, one goes free to a school college or university as part of the 10:1 Initiative
✓ Caring for the environment
- Luma³ comes in completely plastic free packaging and includes no single use plastics.
- Each Luma³ is completely carbon neutral - we carefully calculate the carbon emissions of all production and materials and offset this through planting trees.