Stainless Steel Swimming Pools

Manufactured by Wrightfield Ltd

Product Buying Options

Minimum Order Quantity: One

Additional Sales Information: All Stainless Steel Swimming Pools are made to a customers exact specification so that they are perfectly suited to the products, throughput and handling method Discuss with our design team call +44(0) 1379 872800 or Visit our factory and ....

Product Description

Why choose Stainless Steel?
Although concrete remains one of the main materials for the building of pools, it has a number of flaws that make it less than ideal. While providing sound foundations and structural support for pool floors and walls, it isn’t actually watertight, durable or low maintenance. In addition the building of concrete pools is primarily a site operation, making it ‘field engineering’ with all the implications of having to work around other on-site trades, subject to weather and other external factors and making it difficult to control exacting quality standards in a ‘dirty’ environment.

The unique characteristics of stainless steel combined with factory built components help overcome all of these issues. Stainless steel combines strength, durability and excellent corrosion resistance.

Factory built components can be precision designed and built to remarkably accurate tolerances, they are then subject to factory based QC checks before being shipped to site for final installation either as complete units or sections that are combined on-site.

This means that accurate costs are known prior to construction, and many of the challenges associated with casting concrete on-site can be eliminated. There is also a significant reduction in on-site time, making for a more streamlined construction process.

Features of a Wrightfield Stainless Steel Pool System

  • perfectly tailored for competition, training or lap swimming.
  • ideal for recreational swimming, hydrotherapy and water aerobics
  • suitable for in-ground, on-ground or elevated construction
  • available with stainless steel complete high efficiency stair sections
  • green — 100% recycled stainless steel
  • heavy-gauge stainless steel construction, pre-engineered to eliminate site-construction variations or design changes
  • wide range of interior finishes
  • furnished with filtration and treatment systems
  • available with integral spa or hydrotherapy areas
  • simple slab-on-grade construction
  • wide range of interior finish options
  • ideal for renovation or new construction
  • all-welded, permanently watertight construction

Manufacturer Profile

Wrightfield Ltd

Engineering / Machinery

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