Thermafleece CosyWool Roll

Manufactured by Thermafleece

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Product Description


A versatile, wool rich, natural and breathable insulation perfect for lofts and floors. CosyWool rolls come in a compressed form that reduces transport impacts by more than 50% and makes it ideal for quick and easy installation. Once unpacked, it regains its original thickness to provide excellent thermal and acoustic performance.

The rich wool blend of 75% British wool in combination with recycled polyester fibres ensures you get the full benefit of sheep’s wool with enhanced performance, durability and sustainability. Research shows that Thermafleece outperforms alternative products with a higher percentage of wool

Thermafleece CosyWool rolls are manufactured in Yorkshire and are suitable for all applications, especially lofts, and come in packs of either 2, 3 or 4 rolls which are easy and safe to store and handle.

Thermafleece CosyWool complies with all British building and fire regulations and all Thermafleece  products are covered by comprehensive product liability insurance.

Thermal Conductivity: 0.039 Wm-1K-1
Density: 18 kgm-3
Water Absorption (@100% RH): 30% w/w
Specific Heat Capacity: 1800 Jkg-1K-1
Mould Resistance: CUAP 2002-01-25: Pass
Moth/Beetle Proofing: ISO 3998: Pass
Vapour Resistivity: 9 MN·s·g-1m-1
Ignition Point: >500oC
Spread of Fire to BS 5803-4: Pass
Recoverability and thickness, EN 823: Pass
Dimensional stability to EN 1604: Pass
Can be used to achieve airborne sound reduction of Rw = 40dB
GWP (Cradle to Gate): minus 0.2 kgCO2e
Embodied Energy (Net of Non-Fossil Feedstock Energy): 7 MJkg-1
Recycled Content: 20%
Recyclable: Yes

Applicable Product Categories

Manufacturer Profile


Building & Construction / Materials

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