Bespoke CNC Routing - Carving - Etching

Manufactured by Creiform Ltd

Product Buying Options

Product Capacity: One Off & Small Batches

Minimum Order Quantity: 1

Additional Sales Information: For bespoke designs contact us via our website or various social media platforms. Alertnatively you can call or email us.

Product Description

CNC Routing , Carving & Etching 

Materials - Soft Woods, Hard Woods, Exotic Woods, Plastics, Soft Metals. 

As part of a larger besoke project or one off & low volume sub contract service.

Household Goods, Corporate Signage , Personalised Items, Themed Products, Plaques, Trophies & Awards, Corporate Gifts, Personalised Gifts and much more. Contact us with your requirements.

Applicable Product Categories

Manufacturer Profile

Creiform Ltd

Creative Industries

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